Just a new dev trying to live a dream.



Joined on 5/17/15

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Hey all,

Hope 2023 was a good year for you and hope you're enjoying 2024 so far, I just wanted to yap a bit about stuff and things

Sadly I wasn't able to get as much done during 2023 as I had originally hoped. Didn't even finish making a game, though I did start a few, I kept getting snagged along the way. That isn't to say I didn't get anything done though

The website [StormRooster.com] has been doing well. I've been adding new pages at a steady rate and I have a bunch more planned as well. Apparently it's doing okay with pages views as well but I have no idea how accurate those numbers are, not that it matters that much as the website isn't monetized but hey, maybe someday it will be

My game streams are doing pretty good. I recently moved them over to youtube [@ursafrankgaming] due to twitch basically crapping itself in front of everyone (there are also major behind the scenes problems as well from what I've heard). I've never gotten many viewers on my stream regardless but I mostly do it just for the fun of it at this point anyway

In terms of art, I haven't done much and to be frank I'd really fallen out of practice but I have taken steps to fix that. I've been doing sketches not every day but more days then not. Practice is important after all and after doing that for even a few months, I can already feel a lot of that rust falling off but I've still got a bit to go. Every once and a while I'll do a sketch I really like and I make a more finalized image I can upload. Which should hopefully happen more often with said practice

With 2024 getting started I do have a few thing planned for this year. Along with the already mentioned art I want to start uploading drawing from my old therapy book (both on newgrounds and my website) because it annoyingly contains some of my best work so look forward to that over the coming months

And I REALLY REALLY need to make games again because despite my troubles, it's something I genuinely love doing

All being said and done, I hope the few of you that see this have an amazing 2024. After all we've been through, we all deserve it